DNS Server Master/Slave tramite Ansible
Devo mettere in piedi un DNS server master/slave e mi trovo davanti al solito quesito sulle opzioni per l’implementazione. Come lo faccio? a manina Chef Ansible L’opzione numero uno (ogni…
Devo mettere in piedi un DNS server master/slave e mi trovo davanti al solito quesito sulle opzioni per l’implementazione. Come lo faccio? a manina Chef Ansible L’opzione numero uno (ogni…
Buon anno a tutti i lettori di devopsrecipes.info 🙂 Qualche giorno fa, approfittando dell’apparente calma lavorativa tipica delle feste natalizie, ho deciso di studiare GO (https://golang.org/). Molto figo, ma soprattutto,…
Hi everybody! my task of today, was to configure a MongoDB with redundancy and high availability… I decided to write my own Chef cookbook to configure “replica” Below the most important…
Hi guys! I have to manage Windows Server 2008 using Chef.. First of all, I need to choose the strategy for bootstrapping the new node and I am going to use…
Hi Folks! Today I dealt with a problem… and I found a solution because Chef is a great tool! At moment there is not an RPM for Suse Linux available…
Hi guys, in this article we will se how to build a small LWRP Chef cookbook..The final result will be: ssh_banner_banner “banner” do banner_file _banner_file sshd_config_file node[‘ssh_banner’][‘sshd_config_file’] paranoic_mode true action…
Hi! This is my first post of this blog and I would like start with my last cookbook “wildfly-clu”. We will create a simple Wildlfy cluster(domain mode) composed by…