A free shell for play GameShell online via DevOpsTRibe
Lately I’ve decided to create an environment to practice on some technologies that particularly interest me. One of them is the Unix shell and GameShell, a command line game, who…
Lately I’ve decided to create an environment to practice on some technologies that particularly interest me. One of them is the Unix shell and GameShell, a command line game, who…
Devo mettere in piedi un DNS server master/slave e mi trovo davanti al solito quesito sulle opzioni per l’implementazione. Come lo faccio? a manina Chef Ansible L’opzione numero uno (ogni…
Buon anno a tutti i lettori di devopsrecipes.info 🙂 Qualche giorno fa, approfittando dell’apparente calma lavorativa tipica delle feste natalizie, ho deciso di studiare GO (https://golang.org/). Molto figo, ma soprattutto,…
Hi Folks! Today I dealt with a problem… and I found a solution because Chef is a great tool! At moment there is not an RPM for Suse Linux available…
Dear all, It has been a long time since my last post and here I am with a new one, just to keep track of my current study case… I would…
Hi guys, let’s see how to install the new version of Centos using a kickstart file. Preparing a web-server for publish a simple kickstart file (nodeA). We will use Virtuabox…
Let’s see how to integrate your samba server with Microsoft Active Diretory. Domain: NOODLES (NETBIOS name) FQDN: noodles.foo.org Domain controller 1: dc01.noodles.foo.org Domain controller 2: dc02.noodles.foo.org Local Unix account:…
Hi guys,In this post, we will explore how to securely publish an internal SFTP server on the internet using Haproxy. In the example, we will restrict access to only a…