Hi guys,
let’s see how to install the new version of Centos using a kickstart file.
- Preparing a web-server for publish a simple kickstart file (nodeA). We will use Virtuabox with an internal network and install the OS on nodeB
- After the installation on nodeA will be generated a kickstart /root/anaconda-fs.cfg
- Assign the IP address on NODE A ( `yum install net-tools` for install ifconfig). Please remember to use a virtual network interface bound to the internal network
3. Stop the firewall on NODE A and install Apache with `yum install httpd`
4. Check if the web server is running with `systemctl status httpd.service`
5. Copy anaconda-ks.cfg (the kickstart generated during the installation of nodeA) and copy it on the document root directory of Apache.
6. Try to dowload the kickstart file using `wget`
7. Create a second node on Virtualbox and add a network interface (type Host-Only Adapter for contact In this case the virtual network card will be named enp0s9
8. start and boot from Centos 7 installation CD-ROM, once appear the menu press TAB and configure your network options and kickstart location
9. press enter.. youR virtual machine will be installed in few minutes, the root password will be foobar.123
In the next post we will see more details about kickstart syntax and options.