Hi guys,
in this article we will se how to build a small LWRP Chef cookbook..The final result will be:
ssh_banner_banner “banner” do
banner_file _banner_file
sshd_config_file node[‘ssh_banner’][‘sshd_config_file’]
paranoic_mode true
action :create
notifies :restart, “service[sshd]”
If “paranoic mode” is true, chef will change configuration file and restart sshd, but after 20 seconds (by default) it will do a rollback of configuration
You can try it use Vagrant and Virtualbox..
1. clone git repo from github:
git clone https://github.com/EugenioMarzo/cookbook-ssh-banner.git
2. show the new banner to copy:
cat files/default/chef_ssh_banner
3. start vagrant virtual machine:
vagrant up
4. once the deploy is completed:
Let’s see how to create a simple LWRP:
1. Declare variables in resources/banner.rb
actions :create, :delete
default_action :create
attribute :sshd_config_file, :kind_of => String
attribute :banner_file, :kind_of => String
attribute :paranoic_mode
2. create an action in providers/banner.rb.. Let’s see the :delete function :
action :delete do
#check if ssh banner file is present
check_banner_file new_resource.banner_file
#check if paranoic mode is enabled
if ::File.open(new_resource.sshd_config_file).grep(/Banner\ .*/).size >= 1
Chef::Log.info(“Deleting SSH Banner..”)
execute ” sed -i s/Banner\\\ .*//g #{new_resource.sshd_config_file}”
#the next function will inform that the state is changed, an action has been done. This is important because after this will be executed a notify action like a sshd restart
Chef::Log.info(“SSH Banner not found … doing nothing..”)
3. use it in a recipe.. Delete a banner:
ssh_banner_banner “banner” do
banner_file _banner_file
sshd_config_file node[‘ssh_banner’][‘sshd_config_file’]
paranoic_mode false
action :delete
notifies :restart, “service[sshd]”
4. for adding a banner use:
ssh_banner_banner “banner” do
banner_file _banner_file
sshd_config_file node[‘ssh_banner’][‘sshd_config_file’]
paranoic_mode false
action :create
notifies :restart, “service[sshd]”